Friday 30 March 2012

Compulsion to Blog Episode 03

I felt diz-din wun-wun-wun was feeling a little left out as far as posts went so here is a collection of photos for my models. It all begins with paper and the word "Contrast"...
Image Hand-out
Not many of my original paper models survived both the Great Purging of my model box and scientific dissection. Those valiant few are displayed below.
Up next is the beginning of my work with card. I had two more on top of what is displayed, both of which were a complex mix of slotting sheets. They were both in pieces and apathy prevented them from making the photoshoot. The single one in the second photo wowed the judges and was selected to be Scott's Next Top Model.
0.5 mm Card

Skipping ahead for the sake of correct labelling are the two forms from which I derived my final wire model. As you can see by the battle scars on the larger of the two working with wire was a field unexplored for budding designer Scott Cameron Brebner.
1.0 and 1.5 mm Wire

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