Tuesday 13 March 2012

Blog Persona

My full name is Scott Cameron Brebner and ever since I was young I have had a passion for drawing, games and a good story. I try to fill my life with entertainment; gaming, movies, reading, writing and socialising, and I probably find a lot of things funny that I shouldn’t. I’m at design school to get the skills I need to move into the entertainment industry through games or film. I want to be able to provide people with an escape from their everyday lives because, let’s face it, the rest of the world is pretty depressing.
As far as design is concerned, drawing is what I love most. If there’s something in my head that I can’t put into words I draw it. Being a typical nerdy male these drawings have a tendency to fall into the fantasy/sci-fi/non-existent-yet-totally-badass category. But I’m sure everyone has a secret nerdy passion deep down, some are just better at concealing it than others.
Another love I discovered in more recent years was that of Drama. I enjoy acting more than any healthy person should and it gave me confidence to speak and perform in front of a crowd. This, combined with the creativity design brings me, have forged the dream to become a script-writing, story-boarding, game-developing, concept-arting (arting…what?), singing, dancing, acting super nerd. With maybe a bit of sleep on the weekends.
During my time as a high school designer (I actually designed a logo for my friend’s company Boston Frost, watch this space, it’s going to be big) I found inspiration from a number of sources, ignoring http://www.brushking.eu/, my favourites being Banksy, Tara Hardy and Marumiyan (there’s something about his style that just gets me).
So that’s me. Your turn…

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