Wednesday 18 April 2012

Compulsion to Blog Episode 06

I read on that Bauhaus was founded on principles of the Arts and Crafts movement in an attempt to combine art and industry. Looking at this font designed by Herbert Bayer I can see principles of the movement showing through. It's funny to think how much goes into something so simple.
 A design by Bayer that I quite liked. Although I don't take anything from it I think it is a clever image.
"At the present, because there are so many channels by which an individual might attain fame, albeit not enduring fame, virtually anyone can become famous for a brief period of time." And it's so true. Think of all the internet stars that exist now due to Youtube or blogs or Facebook. Art can take so many forms these days it can be found almost anywhere. Why can there not be art in anything, everything?
It's funny having seen references to this all over the place and not knowing who did it until now. This is by far my favourite interpretation;

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