Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Vision

What is Media Design all about? Alex, Brianna and I boiled it down to something that looks a little like this;
Without technology we wouldn't have media, and without media there is no way anybody could design for it, making media design pretty redundant. Media provides us many things; perspective, connection and, what we saw as the primary aspect, entertainment. It comes in many forms from many sources.
I want to apply my skills in my discipline to the development of games and film so I focussed on what it is that makes games and movies  entertaining. One key element I found in both of them (although far more necessary in movies) is a good narrative or story. A good story is what makes a film memorable and can make a good game great. I want my stop motion clip to show media design to be a doorway to a new way of seeing and tell it through an engaging, however short, story.

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