Tuesday 19 June 2012

The Clip

Group Brainstorm

Individual Brainstorm
Media Design is a new way of seeing existence. It provides us with a potentially infinite number of ways of seeing our world and the worlds within it; the world of reality and the worlds of our minds. Film, games, the internet, networks, television; all of these are mediums through which we perceive them. Media Design makes connections that break the barriers set up by language and physical distance. The world has been shrunk to a global village as everything in Media Design is connected.

Media Design is freedom. We are no longer held back by physical constraints. We design the worlds we want and immerse ourselves within them. This is the aspect of Media Design I wanted to capture in my-motion animation through the narrative. The character is taken through the most iconic forms of media where he entertains himself with what they have to offer. He sees his world as a source of entertainment, a form of expression and a means of communication. His journey is bracketed by the bitten apple and the apple core as an allusion to the company Apple Inc., which is one of the companies most involved in the media world.

But the world of Media Design represents is not perfect. It is still very young, however growing rapidly, and we are learning all the time but some aspects are still under development. A small reference is made to this in my animation by the appearance of spam advertising. Media Design is also very future-oriented and strictly 'first-world' but with such potential for development there is no telling where it will take us.
My first test animation using the stop motion technique. Frame rate is 10fps.
See earlier post for annotated and sketched storyboard.

Thursday 14 June 2012

The Joint

I refrained from making a reference to 'passing the joint' in the title so instead you get a big dollop of political-correctness. What started off as a bunch of messy sketches and card is now a solid abstracted form of the neck/head. Enjoy.

Such sketches were making me consider taking up engineering.

Here are some conceptual models and a cheeky mock-up. The foam gets everywhere.

And, at last, the final. I really must thank Francis for putting up with my incompetence in the workshop. In the end, having made a count of mistakes, I abandoned the wood I'd bought for a piece of scrap timber I found in the waste bin. As they say; one man's junk is another man's abstraction. The drawing (or "the vellum" as it was referred to affectionately in my organiser for the past five weeks) is entirely pencil built up on pencil and I still don't know what sort of lead an 'F' is...

Thursday 7 June 2012

Long Time, No Scene

It's been a wee while hasn't it. After a particularly eventful weekend left me on crutches and in need of an extension (and no, it had nothing to do with town), I haven't been able to produce a video for today's interim submission. It is the perfect opportunity to show what I have done so far. I was lucky enough to be allowed into the school's ergonomics lab to take photos as I was in need of a green-screen effect only to find out later that due to the lighting we used only half the photos were useable (you live and you learn I suppose). The ones I could salvage allowed for me to produce some excellent effects for the game and movie scenes. Also a massive thanks to Philip Raivander for allowing me to use his track "Background Music 1" in my clip. You can check out more of his work here at http://soundcloud.com/philipraivander.

Our makeshift green-screen for the retaking of my photos.
Just a sneak preview from the start of my clip;