Wednesday 17 April 2013

Storyboard Initial Drafts

Firstly I apologise for the poor quality of the images. The scanner I used nailed the originals, which weren't great quality to begin with but that's besides the point.
 Exposition: Shows parts of the character then shows his goal all in the first few seconds. His first attempt on the diving board is also simple enough to understand that the rest of the attempts fall naturally into a montage sequence.
My character needs a name. I'm thinking Wrightley. So it shall be... Anyway, Wrightley tries a spring after that, then a catapult.
 Upon the failure of the catapult, Wrightley tries a pinball launcher. I'm going to swap the mousetrap and the rocket's order around so the montage finishes on him scribbling instead of crossing to show his frustration. One of the shots that might be hard to make out is his pupils shrinking after watching the rocket explode.
Giving up for the day, Wrightley goes to bed pulling his blanket over him. Suddenly he sits bolt upright with an idea and fiddles with the blanket. A shot of the window shows night turning to day and then we get a shot of Wrightley's determination. The camera cuts to a shot from behind him where we can see a ramp aimed at the window. Wrightley sparks the rockets beneath the cart he's made and returns to his ready stance. The cart takes off with more acceleration than he expected and he zooms down the ramp. A long shot shows the cart plummet but Wrightley continue on upwards. At the peak of his jump he unfurls a parachute made from his blanket and uses his own steam vents to guide it to the window. The end.
I will, of course, construct a better quality storyboard for my animatic with revised shots and character/environment designs, but that will come later.

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