Friday 21 June 2013

Post-submission Reflection

I'm really happy with the quality of the visuals of Wrightley's Escape. There were a couple of glitches in the final video but none are too noticeable to really mess anything up (and surely not enough for re-rendering it). I won't point them all out because it might affect your opinion of the video :P One thing I wish I had been able to fix was the size of the video. I was consistent with HD 720p all throughout the project including rendered images and project/composition settings but for whatever reason Premiere Pro decided to throw it's toys. My opinion of Adobe drops every time I use their products, I have to admit. At the same time my respect for After Effects is always increasing. Maybe AE is like the cooler older brother to PP and it wanted attention so it didn't play nice. I'd send it to the naughty corner if I didn't feel this analogy was stretching a bit far... Another thing I would have liked to changed would have been the quality of sound but the free stuff online is free for a reason. I would like to try recording my own some time but there is always the issue of quality and accessibility. And we're under enough time constraints as it is. It's hard to be critical when I'm stoked with the final video. Ah well, good project :)

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