Saturday 8 September 2012

Blogging Blitz

Yet another blast of imagery I've found. I feel a bit like Dora calling up all these different maps. Maybe my interface should sing to the user...?
The use of colour is very well done in our friendly neighbourhood Kelburn Campus Map. The range of colours providing information is quite large but none are too obtrusive or dominating, creating an interesting but informative map. Kudos to VUWSA.
I was looking for those Fire Emergency Maps that have the flashing lights where the fire is but on account of the office never being open when I'm around I couldn't. I did manage to stumble across this image however which, ignoring the horrible glare, shows an interesting concept. The semi-3D view of the floor plan makes the bird's eye view less detached as it provides a view of the building we would be more familiar with. It is a small difference but an effective one. If the room is on a higher level perhaps convenient stairwells could be highlighted?
These are some conceptual sketches I whipped up based on my research so far on what my interface menu might actually look like. The top left drawing is based off signposts and the various options would pop in from the edges of the screen on little 'signs'.
The top right is a button map built up of simple an unobtrusive shapes. Throughout the interface these buttons would be available but subtle enough not to interfere with what's on-screen.
The bottom left is a bit more abstract. The shapes would shift and change in size as the user touches them, the selected ones becoming the largest. They would orbit around the centre when dormant. This is definitely the most futuristic looking menu.
The bottom right menu is far more basic, based on a cityscape silhouette. A ring of triangles would circle the selected spire that hold the different options (the titles in the sketch are merely example. I have yet to decide what options are actually available to users).
I expect once I nail down the details of what happens within my application I'll get a more solid idea on how to arrange it on-screen.

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