Friday 18 April 2014

Project 2b Reactionary Evolution - Post Submission Reflection

Today was submission day for Project 2b. Overall I am pleased with the final result. It certainly isn't perfect but the I am proud of how the model looks. If I was required to do the project again I would definitely be patient when creating the low poly model. As I needed to remodel mine it meant I had less time to work on the UVs and high poly details. The remodelling certainly allowed me to try out different tricks and methods for sculpting which were initially lost on my first model as I was trying to recall my skills from trimester one last year.
These are the renders for print using the high poly mesh from Mudbox. Using the normal and ambient map on the low poly model looked good but the difference in quality between that and the actual high poly mesh was more and more apparent the more I zoomed in.

Before I rendered these out I experimented with importing the different levels from Mudbox into Maya but including the normal and ambient occlusion maps to see the different quality.
Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 5 - no normal

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Level 5

Level 5 - no normal
I think that if I had more time in Mudbox I would have experimented more with custom made stencils and stamps. What I have here is made from the sculpt tool and layering general brick, dot and scratch textures. I employed the wax and smooth tool throughout the model but not as intensely.
It is unfortunate that there is no place in this for EOF as it would be cool to refine it further with more time. Alas there is no room for it in the near future. My goal for work on EOF for the break is to begin producing draft soundtracks and sound effects. I figured that our aesthetic and code may change but if I can nail the feel of the game aurally then it is done and as final as we make it.

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