Monday 19 May 2014

Intentional Glitches

I think I called my sister a glitch in life once, as siblings do... She's tough. Anyway, here's a re-cap on what I've been up to for EOF recently: firstly I finished another level for extrusion staircase puzzles (with one or two more on the way). It was supposed to be quite simple but then I realised that there will be a decent amount of trail and error with getting the stairs to line up and there will most likely be an element of backtracking necessary to get it perfect. The ramp downstairs is also slightly concealed to encourage a bit of exploration.
 I also slipped this in beneath one of the drops. I had this idea of adding a bit of comedy to the game by having comments from the "programmers" of the world who are in the middle of a passive aggressive conversation about the state of the system. These comments are all one-sided shapes, therefore can only be viewed from the right angle. For this reason they would be placed in areas that the player could only stumble onto them by accident.
I also collected a bunch of base sound effects that we can use in the game. Most of them are variants on glitch noises so we'll have a range to choose from. The credit for these sound effects belong to those who uploaded them to;
After talking over the current soundtrack with Adrian he said that the music we had was too upbeat. I produced this to create a more ambient, lonely feel:
Another thing I've started to consider is the aesthetic that will be used for a glitch when the world changes. How we're going to project the image to the character is currently undecided as we need to look into what our options are such as camera filters or invisible planes with the texture on them etc. Regardless, I gathered some images to look over the type of textures I want to create.

Rather than full screen disruption I prefer the sort of glitches presented in the second image. Completely messing with the screen makes it clear that we're hiding a change behind it but I believe the right level of subtlety will conceal the tackiness of a jump by presenting it in a an intentionally jumpy way... if that makes sense...

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