Monday 21 October 2013

D-d-d-d-d-d-d-d-drop the Boss!

Bwhaaah! Bwhaah! Di-di-di-di-di-di-di-di-di-di whump whump! And that's the closest I've been to dubstep for a long time now, and yet I'm totally okay with that.
This has to be played at 10 milliseconds per frame to look realistic so it is definitely the smoothest animation in the game. I may remove some frames to shrink the image just for Stencyl's sake if it's too intense.
I also put more sparks into the saw animations and a sweet flickering drop-glow so liven it up a bit. The "attack swing" anitmatino of the spider happens so fast that the sparks are only visible for 0.1 of a second but what it does add makes a difference.

I'll add a shadow underneath it next but in the meantime I had a go at coding to take a load of Andrew. Here is the basic experimentation with getting a key-oriented menu screen.

As far as I'm aware this works fine. It is very basic and doesn't do anything but shift between scenes based of the position of the cursor (soul) on the screen in predetermined places. The preference of this method of input over a mouse gets the players used to using the keys to navigate right off the bat.

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