Sunday 19 August 2012

Pre-submission Reflection... It's Too Late Now

After three days of trail and error workshop experience and a late night with a power drill I have my completed Needlebox. Looking over the completed model there are many things I would try differently if I was to refine the object further. Firstly simple things like the scale, I would like to shrink everything down to make it a bit more delicate but the primary purpose would be to bring the wires closer together so the stroking sensation is a bit more consistent. My main limitation on this was the hinge lock mechanism was the best thing I was able to produce without sculpting my own hinges, and they force the box to be a certain size. I would also want to make the grooves deeper to hold the locks better. Apart from a few minor constrution errors like one end of the box having a slight gap in the joint the final piece came out looking pretty good and overall I'm happy with the result. Plus the grain on your cheek feels way too good to be healthy...
(Pictures in formal submission)

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