Tuesday 2 October 2012

Programming The Food Chain

After talking to my fellow coders for inspiration on how to develop my idea they said my predatory bug should be more dominating on-screen as he looked too meek. After fixing this and the square repulsion problem (HUZZAH! distance functions) I made it so that instead of adjusting the repulsion radius manually for s***s and gigs the predator actually eats fireflies it moves over, deleting them, and the remaining ones become more afraid of him and get repelled further. A particular idea that is just as excellent as it is morbid was to have a pair of wings fall down from where the flies get eaten.

Steven made a point that I need to bring more character to the interface by having more stuff happen on its own e.g. the predator burping or vomiting if he eats too much, or his speed being reduced the more he consumes.

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