Thursday 4 October 2012

Pre-Submission Reflection

Having finished my Flash interface and selected my five screenshots I noticed there's still a large portion of my interface that has been left unexplored. Although I expect a lot of this will be covered in the second half of this project I created a couple of alternate colour schemes to show how users can customise the appearance of their Peep-hole;

The colour schemes that contrast a city-scape one the greatest will be the easiest to see but it's up to the user's preference. After showing Cornelia my work she brought up a valid point about the map frames of my interface in how the transition between the 2D and 3D versions was a bit hard to follow because the location indicator shifted on the screen. The frames I chose to display were selected because they showed off the directional arrow and map well. In the actual interface the default position of the location indicator would be the middle of the screen and from there the user is free to pan around the map. This is what will have happened in both cases shown in the application (the 3D one having been zoomed in as well).
At Cornelia's request I generated another image to show what happens once you reach your destination;
The Avatar would clearly indicate through their body language and by communicating with the user through the headset that the room has been reached. Upon entering the room the navigational mode would automatically return to the main menu if the user hasn't already dismissed their Peep-hole.
If I was to take this idea further I would have liked to experiment with the aesthetics of the Peep-hole more. Although the technology used to make it possible dictated how the final interface would look there are possibilities with more complicated scroll-based menus and such. Whether or not these would be a more efficient or user-friendly option remains to be tested on account of Peep-holes not actually existing... yet.

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