Tuesday 9 October 2012

The First Century

Happy 100th post VicDesign! My gift to you is a picture of a swamp I drew! I hope you like it :)

This is the pimpin' new background for my fireflies. It's a bit less crappy than the initial one but hey, you have to start somewhere. The ink images above were the tree and shrub shapes I used in the computer render, drawn with those pens that look like the offspring of a vivid and a whiteboard marker.

And her are the little flies playing in their new home. I adjusted the rate at which their glow fades behind them so that the backdrop is visible for longer. I also made it so that whenever there are less than 150 fireflies alive  at any one time it will spawn a new one just off one of the four corners every four seconds. This means the interaction never ceases and that as new fireflies spawn the predator's aura needs to decrease as well.
I'm thinking of trying to make the black mask slightly transparent, even at its darkest, so the silhouette of the trees and such will be slightly visible. I'm also going to explore a feature that makes the predator ill if he eats too many fireflies, making him follow less efficiently, appear slightly greener and every so often vomit. This would add more character to the predator and provide a bit of humour aside from the macabre wings falling to the ground.

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