Monday 5 August 2013

A Necessary Sequel to Avatars

Between Stencyl tutorials I did some more drawing over the weekend. Here we have some more player avatars as well as some enemy concepts. The enemies are exaggerated icons of industry and deforestation that would attack on set motion paths or rhythms. They would appear mostly on the first and second tiers to make traversal not the only obstacle (considering the world would be whole or mostly whole is these worlds and too easy otherwise).

I was considering having some kind of super stomp ability that could remove enemies from the world but I feel making the player defenceless would mean the game's difficulty could be maintained. Also considering the players traversal abilities would be quite effective, dodging enemies would be more efficient than trying to eliminate them (also this would make it comparable to passive protests against deforestation yadayadayada). Speaking of which, the traversal of the platform world could be broken down into five commands;
- Run (arrow key)
- Jump (up or space key)
- Double-Jump (up or space key again)
- Wall Hike (up or space key when next to a wall)
- Aerial Boost (up or space key, whichever isn't jump, while in the air)
The Jump/Double-Jump would function simply enough, Wall Hike would need some kind of switch or state for the game to recognise when a character is against a wall to give them the free jump (which would only be usable once, no Super Meat Boy wall hopping), and the Aerial Boost would be a move the player commits to. Once it is initiated the player would be launched in the direction they're facing at a set speed and distance before they gain control of their character again. I'm tempted to allow the Wall Hike to reset the player's Aerial Boost ability so they can Jump, Aerial Boost, Wall Hike, Aerial Boost, Double-Jump to reach particularly difficult platforms in the lower tiers or to dodge enemies.

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