Friday 2 August 2013

Space Smirfs and Other Avatars

Of the three mechanic concepts I discussed in my presentation the one I want to focus on in my prototype is the changing environment. Discussing this with some classmates I came to the decision that the player would have infinite lives but there would be about four tiers of the world that the player could exist on. Dying in one tier would drop the player to the tier below. Borrowing the idea of conservation of resources the player would have some kind of token/limited power that they could sacrifice to move up a tier but are stuck on whatever tier they are on if they run out. Checkpoints could be available that boost characters up for free, depending on how difficult the game should be.
Since the idea of sustainability needs to be prominent in the game the upper tiers would have the world be whole, or close to it, and the lower tiers would be far more corrupt and falling apart. Navigating the terrain in the lower tiers would be more difficult than the upper tiers but the upper ones could hold enemies (creatures that want to harm the environment) that try to kill the player and send them to lower tiers.
The player would be some kind of forest spirit that is trying to get through each platform level to some kind of goal (yet to be decided) so they can save that segment of the planet from the industrial world; sort of nature fighting back. These are the character designs I've come up with so far:
My favourite at the moment is probably the tree because he has an afro of leaves but the stag-skull dude looks pretty cool as well. I was going to crank out some more concepts between Stencyl tutorials as well as some sketches on how the traversal in the game would work. At the moment I'm thinking of a jump, double-jump, horizontal air-boost, wall hike sort of deal.

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