Tuesday 6 August 2013

Dem Bones

It's time to flesh out this conceptual skeleton with some narrative context. So the player is a forest spirit. Mankind's disregard for the life of the planet has reduced the world's forests to an absolute minimum, taking your power with it. Before they destroy the planet from overconsumption you must save as many tree spirits as you can. With these spirits you can regrow the forests once mankind is forced to find more sustainable modes of living.
As you die in the game your spirit becomes more and more detached from the material world and moves into a limbo-style version of the world. There, you can see the world's soul slowly corrupting  and falling apart. In this world all would be dark silhouettes against a lighter but ultimately dull background. Each tier above this would be more and more saturated in colour.
As an incentive for the player to move forward there could be a gradually advancing abyss that threatens to suck the player away. As the world falls apart the forest spirit you play as is threatened from being wiped from existence so you need to outrun the nothingness. You're not just collecting tree spirits to save them but they also validate your very existence.

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