Tuesday 13 August 2013

Visual Metaphors and Other Suggestive Imagery

I wonder if anyone is picking "lust"... Anyway, I've completed three pages of draft sketches to get my ideas down for "anxiety".

As well as these shots I was thinking of having a hyper slow-mo shot of my character suspended in the air to suggest a sensation of falling. Another would be dark liquid swirling around in a whirlpool of some sort. A short sequence I envisioned was of the character staring off absent-mindedly then quietly cough/clear their throat but an audio overlay of the character screaming could be heard.
If I want to bring in the idea that anxiety can be a snare and keep you trapped in it I could collect footage of ropes and chains and maybe a shot through a keyhole at the character in a chain or alone on the floor, trapped in an empty room.
Going off the idea in the third sheet of the hand opening and closing in jarring, overlaid cuts, the same technique could be shown of the character's face. Their expression could be indifferent but the audience would catch glimpses of a transparent face shaking violently or screaming on top of this footage with muffled audio to follow it.
Now it's just a matter of getting all this down on a storyboard in a way that does it justice.

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