Tuesday 20 August 2013

All Work and No GIFs Makes Scott a Dull Boy

Considering the nature of my sprites and how Stencyl processes them I don't know of an efficient way to convert them into .gif format to show animated. Instead you get a bunch of sprite chains (a 'sprite chain' sounds delicious).

I've broken the work I need to do for the pitch on Thursday into a list of tasks that help convey the principle game elements as selling points. I want the character animations to be really tight. Most of them at the moment are at a stage where they are looking really nice with the exception of the teleport sprites which due to their rapid execution means they look a little flickery. So there is a bit of animating still to be done and I can mention in the pitch that improving these animations would be a skill I can provide, possibly as one of my strongest.
Another task is to get the controls down for the demo so they are highly responsive. I want to promote the game with fluid player-to-avatar interaction. The controls are simple enough that perfecting them wouldn't take too long allowing a team to develop the levels with a lot more precision. This idea of simplicity is how I want to market the game. It is easy to understand and simple to play, meaning that the few elements it does have we can focus on pushing to s state of perfection rather than spreading ourselves too thinly over too many mechanics/features yarn yarn yarn. I would much rather have a simple and complete game of decent length than a rushed and overcomplicated and ultimately incomplete game.
I'll also try and create some really nice still images of conceptual levels within the game. These won't be animated but would act as building blocks on which we could build some really nice levels. They would all be completely conceptual, however, allowing for the team to develop/alter them based on ease of narrative and programming. At the moment I'm thinking of a Deforestation level (pretty much the one in the Stencyl demo) where the primary obstacles are breaks in the conveyor belts and stray buzz saws. There could be a Refinery level with oil slicks and burning oil, an Engine level with pistons, grease, flares and overheating panels, a Garbage level with toxic waste and landfill and a Spirit level. The Spirit level would be the final level where Voodude runs all the souls he's collected to the earth's core to keep them safe, running from the corruption or disintegrating world behind him.

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