Tuesday 6 August 2013

Feeling Emotional

Our new project looks pretty sweet. The initial ideas I've had about what emotions I may want to convey are fear, freedom, love and anxiety.
For fear I would try and use shadows to my advantage. I would try and make my shots dark where patches of the screen are completely swallowed by blackness. Any person in the shot would be depicted as small compared to their surroundings. I would use focus to make ominous shapes out of otherwise normal things.
Freedom would entail shots that infer pressure or stress building up through movement in the camera and quick cutting. This would have to be paired quite precisely with music that builds up to a climactic level. On this release there would be extreme slow motion shots of people leaping in the air (perhaps off the warf) and lot of shots flooded with light.
Love is difficult. There are so many layers to it that it would be hard to contain them all into one clip and do them all justice. I had images in my mind of a couple with focus primarily on the man with dream-like shots of the woman using rich, soft lighting and shadow. This would be complimented with slow motion shots of the two spraying each other with paint. The metaphor would be enhanced by the brightness of the colours used and the joy on the couple's faces.
I also found some pretty awesome tracks for it;
Anxiety is the one I think I will end up going for. I would use a minimalistic soundtrack and abuse extreme close-ups to allow for the growing intensity of the emotion to come through. The minimal music would allow me to enhance sound effects such as the ticking of a clock or heavy breathing. The narrative would be about a man getting stood up at a date. The anxiety comes from him starting to worry that his date isn't going to show and in his boredom he begins to notice things in painfully close detail. Imagery I want to use is the water he drinks could be tainted with dark ink or food colouring (non-mixed for the floating effect) and shots of lonely things such as a solo pawn on a chess board or a wilting flower could be shown. Only at the end of the clip would you see that there is no one on the other side of the table.
Some potential background tunes I've been looking at so far;

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